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Workout of the Week: Torch that Fat

Looking for a high intensity fat burning workout? Look no further, you’ve come to the right spot. Try this Workout of the Week and let me know how it goes. Hope your ready for a complete total body blast!

1.) 50 jump ropes

2.) Bodyweight Squats – 10

3.) Bodyweight Side Lunges – 10 each

4.) Pull ups- 5

5.) Push Ups – 20

6.) Wall Sits- 60 seconds

7.) Plank- 60 seconds

Repeat 3-6 times


Intense Fat Burn

If you’re looking to torch some fat give this workout a try:

2 Mile Run

Following the run, repeat these 3-6 times.

100 jump ropes (as fast as possible)

10 box jumps

20 push ups

This will definitely get that heart rate going and burn some calories to get that body lookin’ right. Time yourself each set and try to remain consistent.

Challenge yourself to GET BETTER.