Blog Archives

Grocery List Part 1: Protein!


The ultimate building block for muscle. The recommended intake of protein for adults is 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight. Aerobic endurance athletes should consume 0.8-1.4 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. The reason for this is due to the increased use of protein as a fuel source during exercise. Heavy Resistance Training athletes can increase their protein to 1.7 grams per pound of bodyweight.  General recommendation for athletes could be anywhere from 1.5-2.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight depending on activity level and demands for your sport.

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A little 411 on Caffeine

Caffeine is one hell of a supplement, and yes it is a supplement. Having a certain amount of caffeine in your system is actually a violation of NCAA rules. It is the most effective and the most basic sports performance supplement there is.

Caffeine boosts training intensity and focus. When your training intensity is boosted that results in assisting muscle growth.

Not only is it beneficial for growth, it helps with losing or getting shredded as well. Caffeine assists in helping the body burn far and use it as energy.

Personally I supplement with caffeine as a pre-workout. Whether it is using a powder, caffeine pill, or a cup of coffee, I typically take 200mg pre workout to get me ready to take on my workout.

No pre workout? Try this: 1 cup of black coffee with one tablespoon of honey.

 If your really feeling crazy, try my little creation.:

Mix 1 scoop vanilla protein, 1 tbspn honey, 1 2 scoops flavorless  creatine all in one cup of  black coffee 30-45 minutes prior to your workout.

Workout of the Week: Torch that Fat

Looking for a high intensity fat burning workout? Look no further, you’ve come to the right spot. Try this Workout of the Week and let me know how it goes. Hope your ready for a complete total body blast!

1.) 50 jump ropes

2.) Bodyweight Squats – 10

3.) Bodyweight Side Lunges – 10 each

4.) Pull ups- 5

5.) Push Ups – 20

6.) Wall Sits- 60 seconds

7.) Plank- 60 seconds

Repeat 3-6 times


3 Muscle Building Exercises

So you’re looking to build muscle huh? Don’t go any farther without reading this article. If you want to build muscle, be sure to focus on compound exercises. Below are my favorite compound exercises to use in your training. There are variations to these, but using forms of these three compound movements will help add muscle to your physique. All those isolation exercises are fun to do, but try not to make them the focal point of your workouts.

Train to Gain. Read the rest of this entry

6 Simple Injury Prevention Tips

Having been involved in sports since I was little, I have had my fair share of injuries. From head to toe, the list goes on. They say that experience is the best teacher, so here is a list of five simple things I have found to work wonders in my injury prevention. I recommend any athlete or even non-athlete to incorporate these tips into their training. Read the rest of this entry

Saturday Workout: Time to Torch Fat

Before I go out an enjoy my day, I’m going to share with you a little sample from today’s workout. I don’t know about you guys, but I absolutely LOVE putting in work on Saturdays!

 Here’s a short, but intense workout to get your weekend off right! All you need is a jump rope and an open field.

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Part 1: Top Supplements to Maximize Your Performance

PART 1 of 2

Before you even read this article, I want everyone to understand one thing. All these supplements I am going to recommend in this article and in my entire blog are called supplements for a reason. They are not supposed to work by themselves. People that ask me if a supplement will work without them eating right are simply crazy, and don’t even get me started on those who ask me if a supplement will work without them working out.  My experience with working at GNC helps me right this article. One thing I always told my customers was that: Read the rest of this entry