Blog Archives

Workout of the Week: Torch that Fat

Looking for a high intensity fat burning workout? Look no further, you’ve come to the right spot. Try this Workout of the Week and let me know how it goes. Hope your ready for a complete total body blast!

1.) 50 jump ropes

2.) Bodyweight Squats – 10

3.) Bodyweight Side Lunges – 10 each

4.) Pull ups- 5

5.) Push Ups – 20

6.) Wall Sits- 60 seconds

7.) Plank- 60 seconds

Repeat 3-6 times


My Top 5 Ab Exercises

 Abs. Everybody wants them, but not everyone knows what it takes to get them. Below your going to find my top 5 favorite ab exercises. First and foremost, I’m going to let all you guys know that it is all about your diet. You can do a thousand sit ups a day, but if you eat like crap you will not see results. If you want results, incorporate these five core exercises along with a great diet, and you’ll start to get those abs you’ve been working hard for.

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Today’s Upper Body Workout

Here’s a sample of todays upper body workout. Train with relentless energy and passion and you will get the results you WANT!

You always don’t get what you wish for, but you always get what you work for.

Work Hard, the Results Will Come.

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Saturday Workout: Time to Torch Fat

Before I go out an enjoy my day, I’m going to share with you a little sample from today’s workout. I don’t know about you guys, but I absolutely LOVE putting in work on Saturdays!

 Here’s a short, but intense workout to get your weekend off right! All you need is a jump rope and an open field.

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Top 5 Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are extremely beneficial to your training programs. If your short on time, don’t have time for the gym, on the go, bodyweight exercises can be great to help build muscle, burn fat, and gain strength. You can get a great workout just by performing bodyweight exercises, as well as incorporating them into your training program. Bodyweight exercises need to be mastered before beginning an extensive strength training program. I am going to supply you with 5 bodyweight exercises I feel are great to add to your workouts, or even just to do when you’re not in the gym. There are many, many other bodyweight exercises out there, as well as variations to these 5 below. If there are any that you feel are great exercises, please feel free to share.

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Intense Fat Burn

If you’re looking to torch some fat give this workout a try:

2 Mile Run

Following the run, repeat these 3-6 times.

100 jump ropes (as fast as possible)

10 box jumps

20 push ups

This will definitely get that heart rate going and burn some calories to get that body lookin’ right. Time yourself each set and try to remain consistent.

Challenge yourself to GET BETTER.


Today’s Workout: Training With Intensity

Sick of your same old workout routine week after week?

 I feel like there’s times when I can predict everyone’s workout for the week at local gyms. Chest on Monday, Shoulders on Tuesday, Legs on Wednesday..blah blah blah you get the point. I got an idea for you, change it up! Keep your body guessing, it will spark results and muscle gain! Below, I have a mini circuit for you guys.

Give todays workout a try to let me know what you think.

REMEMBER…..GET AFTER IT. If you don’t do this with relentless intensity…Don’t even bother looking at the workout. Challenge YOURSELF.

Here ya go, knock your socks off!

  1. Single Arm Dumbbell Clean x 4
  2. Single Arm Snatch x 4
  3. Pull ups x 10
  4. Inverted Row x 10
  5. Variation Push-Ups x 25

Repeat this circuit 3-5 times as tolerated. Time yourself and try to beat your time every time.

following your circuit…

  1. Behind the Back Barbell Shrug 2 x 20
  2. Regular Barbell Shrug 3 x 10
  3. Dumbbell Holds 3 x 30 seconds (find the heaviest dumbbell and hold it, work on your grip strength)
  4. 200 decline sit-ups
  5. 50 hanging knee-ups


Hard-Gainer Tips

If your new to the game, or just a skinny hardgainer….this one’s for you.

Want to Put on Size? Are you a Hardgainer? Don’t have a lot of time to train?

  I am going to supply you guys with a basic template and tips to help you pack on that size just in time for the summer. There are a lot of crazy workouts out there, but it is important to keep it basic.

Keeping it basic will get you RESULTS

By keeping it basic, I mean using a variety of compound lifts. Compound lifts will not only add size, they add strength. My favorite compound lifts include:

  • Squats
  • Pull-ups
  • Dead-lifts
  • Military Press
  • Bench Press
  • Push-ups
  • Dips

Try to incorporate 3-5 exercises into your workout. I recommend putting in a  push, a pull, and a lower body exercise. You could also add some isolation exercises, but do not have your workout consist of ONLY isolation exercises. Every workout should have no more than 8-15 total sets per workout.  The time you spend in the gym should be 3-4 times a week at 45 minutes each training session. It is important to let your body rest and recover.

 So get in the gym, CRUSH the weights, and GET OUT.